Does everyone have six packs abs?

Everyone has six packs abs in fact; it’s just that it’s covered with a layer of fat.

To shred away this envelope of fat, there are foods you need to avoid and to be taken in, as food intake plays a great role in building your six pack abs.

Exercise does help but it depends more on what you eat and drink.

Even if you’re into the gym every day, if you don’t follow a strict diet plan, your six packs abs will not improve as much as you desired.

In order to have desired pack, make sure that you avoid fatty food like red meat, candy, butter, white bread, hydrogenated oils, fast food, pasta, soda, etc. your diet should focus more on water, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, green tea, proteins to name a few.

So special care must be taken in order to ensure a good result as dietary intake has a major role to perform in body building.

Once you follow the right diet pathway, it will double the effect of your workout. So it is true when people say that abs are made from the kitchen!

Some exercises you need to follow up

There are some exercise you should consider working out seriously in order to achieve your goals. Such exercise includes…

Reverse Crunch, Plank, knee raise, Bench leg raise, incline sit ups, lying floor leg raise, dumbbell side bends.